How to Use Mass Update Tools

When you want melakukan perubahan assignment karyawan dalam jumlah banyak secara sekaligus, You can use Mass Update pada menu Tools dengan mengikuti langkah-langkah berikut :

  1. On the Menu Tools → Select Mass Update.
  1. Click the button New untuk membuat Mass Update.
  1. Fill in the section General dengan nama Mass Update yang ingin dibuat.
1Effective DateFilled with tanggal awal berlakunya Mass Update.
2NameFilled with no Mass Update.
3TotalIt will automatically fill in setelah berhasil melakukan Mass Update berupa jumlah karyawan yang ter-updated.
4StatusIt will automatically fill in setelah berhasil melakukan Mass Update berupa status yang ter-updated.
  1. In part Criteria, isi dengan kriteria data assignment sebelumnya yang akan akan dilakukan perubahan.
1CompanyEnter Company employee, in the form of LOV.
2LocationEnter work location employee, in the form of LOV.
3Job FamilyEnter Job Family employee, in the form of LOV.
4Organization LevelEnter Organization Level where the employee is placed, in the form of LOV.
5Position LevelEnter Position Level employee, in the form of LOV.
6ManagerEnter nama Manager employee, in the form of LOV
7Location GroupEnter lokasi grup kerja employee, in the form of LOV.
8GradeEnter Grade employee, in the form of LOV.
9JobEnter Job employee, in the form of LOV.
10OrganizationEnter organization where the employee is placed, in the form of LOV.
11PositionEnter position employee, in the form of LOV.
12Attendance GroupEnter Attendance Group employee, in the form of LOV.
  1. In part New Assignment, isi dengan data perubahan assignment terbaru karyawan.
1ActionEnter perubahan Action yang sesuai dengan perubahan yang akan dilakukan.
2PositionEnter perubahan posisi employee, in the form of LOV.
3JobEnter perubahan job terbaru employee, in the form of LOV.
4LocationEnter perubahan lokasi kerja employee, in the form of LOV.
5OrganizationEnter perubahan organisasi where the employee is placed, in the form of LOV.
6Action ReasonEnter alasan perubahan action, If there are.
7GradeEnter perubahan Grade employee, in the form of LOV.
8Payroll GroupEnter perubahan Payroll Group employee, in the form of LOV.
9Attendance GroupEnter perubahan jadwal masuk karyawan sesuai attendance group yang telah dibuat, in the form of LOV.
10ManagerEnter perubahan Manager yang akan menaungi karyawan, in the form of LOV.
  1. Jika semua informasi Mass Update sudah Anda masukkan, then the final step is to do it save with a click button “Submit” pada bagian paling bawah halaman Mass Update.

Read Also :
– How to Use Data Import Tools
– How to Use the Global Values ​​Tool
– How to Use Auto Number Tools
– How to Use News Feed Tools
– How to Use Quotes Tools