Apabila Anda ingin mengatur tampilan Matrix karyawan yang berupa rangkuman penilaian dari Performance karyawan, Anda dapat melakukan pengaturan dengan mengikuti langkah-langkah berikut :
- On the Menu Performance → Select Talent Matrix.
- Fill in the section General dengan jenis Talent Matrix yang diinginkan.
No | Feature | Information |
1 | Company | Masukkan Company where the employee is placed, in the form of LOV. |
2 | Location Group | Masukkan Location Group where the employee is placed, in the form of LOV. |
3 | Job Family | Masukkan Job Family where the employee is placed, in the form of LOV. |
4 | Organization Level | Masukkan Organization Level where the employee is placed, in the form of LOV. |
5 | Manager | Masukkan nama Manager dari karyawan tersebut, in the form of LOV. |
6 | Position Level | Masukkan Position Level where the employee is placed, in the form of LOV. |
7 | Location | Masukkan Location employee, in the form of LOV. |
8 | Job | Masukkan Job employee, in the form of LOV. |
9 | Organization | Masukkan organization where the employee is placed, in the form of LOV. |
- Jika semua informasi Talent Matrix sudah Anda masukkan, then the final step is to do it save with a click button “Apply” pada halaman Talent Matrix.
- Jika Anda sudah berhasil Submit untuk Talent Matrix performance, maka akan muncul pada halaman bawah Talent Matrix berupa detail rangkuman dalam bentuk gambar matrix performance karyawan.
Read Also :
– Cara Membuat Kompetensi Dan Jenis Penilaiannya Untuk Karyawan
– Cara Melakukan Pengelompokan Penilaian Performance Karyawan
– Cara Membuat Template Penilaian Performance Karyawan
– Cara Mengubah Manager Yang Mengevaluasi Performance Karyawan
– Cara Mengubah Penilaian Performance Karyawan