Cara Mengatur Tampilan Matrix Performance Karyawan

Apabila Anda ingin mengatur tampilan Matrix karyawan yang berupa rangkuman penilaian dari Performance karyawan, Anda dapat melakukan pengaturan dengan mengikuti langkah-langkah berikut :

  1. On the Menu Performance → Select Talent Matrix.
  1. Fill in the section General dengan jenis Talent Matrix yang diinginkan.
1CompanyMasukkan Company where the employee is placed, in the form of LOV.
2Location GroupMasukkan Location Group where the employee is placed, in the form of LOV.
3Job FamilyMasukkan Job Family where the employee is placed, in the form of LOV.
4Organization LevelMasukkan Organization Level where the employee is placed, in the form of LOV.
5ManagerMasukkan nama Manager dari karyawan tersebut, in the form of LOV.
6Position LevelMasukkan Position Level where the employee is placed, in the form of LOV.
7LocationMasukkan Location employee, in the form of LOV.
8JobMasukkan Job employee, in the form of LOV.
9OrganizationMasukkan organization where the employee is placed, in the form of LOV.
  1. Jika semua informasi Talent Matrix sudah Anda masukkan, then the final step is to do it save with a click button Apply pada halaman Talent Matrix.
  1. Jika Anda sudah berhasil Submit untuk Talent Matrix performance, maka akan muncul pada halaman bawah Talent Matrix berupa detail rangkuman dalam bentuk gambar matrix performance karyawan.

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