
Advantages of an Online Attendance Application that is Integrated with Payroll

Your employees still use manual attendance?

Hi Gitters! Now is no longer the era of using manual attendance, but rather the use of online attendance technology and BPO payroll!

Companies need to ensure and monitor employee activities and responsibilities. Employee productivity is one of the main factors in making a company able to achieve competitive advantage and its goals. A small step that can be taken is to monitor employee attendance.

Employee presence is important to create effective productivity and not influence other colleagues at work. Besides that, Attendance is an assessment in providing allowances.

The development and use of sophisticated technology provides solutions for monitoring employee attendance and activities digitally. Recently, Many companies are literate and aware of the importance of digital technology in simplifying their HR management process.

Based on survey results from the Axsium Group study, show that 88% managers and supervisors believe that the WFM system is capable of exceeding and meeting organizational expectations. They see an increase in the flexibility and performance of a system that can monitor employee working time and is able to calculate more complex and varied payroll.

The above is also supported by Axsium Group's survey of its employees 81% end user satisfied with the new attendance and time system. Then, followed by 85% Employees are satisfied with the attendance management system because they have the flexibility in managing their own schedules.

StarConnect HR is an application that provides convenience for HRD, such as online attendance and BPO payroll. So employees can access StarConnect without any hassle, anywhere and anytime.

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Want to know the advantages of online attendance and BPO payroll applications?

Advantages of online attendance applications, not only for managing employee payroll. However, to manage the attendance process, holiday, overtime, permits and much more. Therefore, You forget the manual method and find out the advantages of an online attendance application that is integrated with payroll!

1. Easy to access anytime and anywhere!

Using application-based digital technology, create a high level of flexibility for user. Just use smartphone, Employees can take absences. No need to use the machine anymore fingerprint manual. Employees who remote working easily take attendance online. This makes it easier for HRD productivity to monitor employee attendance levels.

2. More effective and efficient

Using an online attendance application can monitor employee attendance accurately and find out the employee's location. HRD no longer needs to ensure manually, you only need to check employee attendance reports from the automated system. Online attendance that is integrated with BPO payroll can increase efficiency by shortening the permit application process, holiday, or overtime, without the need to communicate with related parties. Besides that, Companies can save costs and time so that HRD performance increases

3. Increase employee productivity

Employees don't need to worry about administrative matters such as absences, holiday, overtime and permits. Employees can focus on carrying out and fulfilling their duties and responsibilities. So that employees are not distracted by other things and the productivity of the work environment increases.

4. Fast and accurate

Application-based software is integrated with system technology which makes it easier for HRD to access data reports without being complicated and manual. Notes and data entered through the online attendance application are recorded quickly and accurately, thereby minimizing problems human error or human error.

5. Reduce HRD workload!

Using an online attendance application that is integrated with payroll makes it easier to process data analysis that is tailored to HRD needs. Besides that, with automated applications and systems, HRD can monitor and view employee activity reports easily. No need anymore, to use paper in the company's administrative and operational management processes. So that HRD's workload is reduced and they can focus on employee development within the company.

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Based on the advantages of the online attendance application that have been explained, It's time for you to get to know StarConnect HR as an application solution that makes all HRD processes easier!

StarConnect HR is a cloud-based digital HR technology solution that can help you manage employee administration such as attendance, holiday, overtime, permission, claim, salary calculation (including BPJS, PPh 21) and the employee work assessment process, so you can focus on running your business effectively.

With just one application, able to overcome various HRD concerns! StarConnect HR is equipped with advanced features integrated with AI technology (Artificial Intelligence) which helps your company in managing work effectively. Ease of access anywhere and anytime between companies and employees in just one application.

~ StarConnect Is Your Solutions ~

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