
August 2022

hr-solutions absensi online dan bpo payroll

Advantages of an Online Attendance Application that is Integrated with Payroll

Your employees still use manual attendance? Hi Gitters! Now is no longer the era of using manual attendance, but rather the use of online attendance technology and BPO payroll! Companies need to ensure and monitor employee activities and responsibilities. Employee productivity is one of the main factors in making a company able to achieve competitive advantage and its goals. Langkah kecil yang dapat dilakukan

Advantages of an Online Attendance Application that is Integrated with Payroll Read More »

hati-hati dipecat hr-solutions

Be Careful of Being Fired Due to the Following Mistakes!

Hi Gitters! The journey in the world of work is not as easy as turning the palm of your hand, say “fired” be a terrible thing for employees. The twists and turns faced, like it or not, it has to be passed. Sometimes there are many things we don't realize, that there are some things we do at work that could put us at risk of being fired. Therefore, …

Be Careful of Being Fired Due to the Following Mistakes! Read More »

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